MIET is ranked 58th among universities with allocated science budget
13 апреля 2016

- The quality of teaching (40% of total);
- The research quality (40%);
- The level of internationalization (10% of total);
- The level of financial stability (10%).
The RUR rating was created to help applicants and students, academic community, university administration and government evaluate the universities and make decisions according to their personal aims.
In the global RUR rating for 2016 there are 700 universities from 74 countries worldwide including 23 Russian universities and 43 universities from post-Soviet countries. "Russian universities lead in the international rating. They showed a strong performance having gone up 44 positions" - as reports RUR press-service.
In 2016 MIET ranked 22 among other estimated Russian universities. Our university improved its performance in such fields as "Research quality" and "Level of internationalization". The best performance was achieved in terms of "The level of financial stability": MIET is 9th in Russia and also 58th in the world by the level of allocated science financial support in the overall budget.
The rating authors stress that every university has its advantages. As it is showed in the RUR rating for 2016, some Russian universities by certain evaluation criteria rank among TOP-100.
You may find the whole rating list and learn about the method of the rating compilation here: roundranking.com/universities.