Telecommunication Systems

Telecommunication Systems

Director: Alexander Bakhtin, candidate of technical sciences


Phone: +7 (499) 720-85-82

Classroom: 4335

The Chair of Telecommunication Systems was established in March 1999. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, IEEE Senior Member, member of the International Academy of Informatization Viktor Barinov became its director.

From January 2014 to the present, the Chair is run by Ph.D. Aleksander Bakhtin. The teaching staff of the department includes 20 people, among them 1 doctor of sciences and 10 candidates of sciences.

The chair trains specialists in telecommunication systems, their engineering and programming. Students study digital signal processing methods, modulation and coding methods, the principles of building data transmission networks, and learn to develop algorithms for accessing the data transmission medium and routing methods. Students master the most popular programming languages: from C and Python to Matlab and Verilog.

In addition to educational programs, the Chair actively conducts scientific work. For example, research and development of wireless communication systems for various purposes. Some of the research areas: sensor networks, software and algorithmic support of modern and promising mobile communication systems, digital signal processing and embedded systems based on FPGAs, development of noise-tolerant coding codecs, VLSI design for telecommunications, development of routing methods and algorithms for accessing the data transmission medium.

Despite its small age, the Chair already has some significant achievements. The technical samples and software packages developed by the Telecommunication Systems team have found application in industry. The protected sensor network created by the team has been approved for mass production for wireless security systems of sectional facilities. Several chips developed by students and post-graduate students are manufactured abroad in Belgium. The most significant developments include: software and algorithmic support for 5G stations, a model of an ultra-high-speed satellite radio transmission line for Earth remote sensing systems, a communication and control system for robotic means (MANET), a model of a noise-resistant tactical radio communication system, the ASMOS complex for the Smart City project.

The Chair has 4 laboratories:

Laboratory "Radio Engineering Systems" (room 4231)

Design center "VLSI for Telecommunications" (room 4226a)

Laboratory "IT and Telecommunication Systems" (room 4218a)

Laboratory "IT and Telecommunication Systems Security" (room 4219)

The laboratories are equipped with unique software and hardware complexes for the development of software-defined radio systems using Massive MIMO technology, including 5G, designed both for teaching students and for conducting research.

The curriculum of the specialties of the TCS Chair reflect the issues of modern and advanced communication systems:

Theoretically, there's a need to increase the bandwidth of communication channels, combat interference, protect information, and save frequency spectra;

In terms of engineering, there's a need for personalization and globalization of communications, integrated telecommunications services based on the principles of computer networks and protocols, digital signal processing based on new technologies, creation of high–speed secure communication channels based on wired and wireless solutions, multimedia.

Our students regularly participate and win at such prestigious international professional competitions and Olympiads such as IT-Planet, Honor Cup, Changellenge – Cup Technical, Infotelecom.

Educational programs:

03.11.02 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems"

Program: "Infocommunication networks and devices"

Bachelor's degree

11.04.02 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems"

Program: "Information networks and telecommunications"

Master's degree

11.04.02 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems"

Program: "Information networks and telecommunications (network)"

Master's degree

2.2.15 "Telecommunication systems, networks and devices"

Postgraduate studies


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