Gerasimenko Alexander Yuryevich Doctor of Technical Sciences

Brief biography

2007       – Graduated from MIET master program on “Electronics and Microelectronics”.

2007-2010 – Postgraduate student of the Department of Biomedical Systems (MIET).

2007-2008 – Internship in the laboratory of heterophase optical processes of the Department of Laser Physics (Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS).

2008-2010 – Internship in the laboratory of pico-femtosecond lasers of the photoelectronics department of the A.M. Prokhorov (Institute of General Physics named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS).

Since 2010 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences on "Condensed Matter Physics", major 01.04.07.

Work experience:

2006-2007 – Leading specialist of the Scientific and Technical Center "Geoinformatics".

2007-2010 – Leading engineer of the Chair of Biomedical Systems.

Since 2010 – Senior Researcher, Chair of Biomedical Systems.

Since 2012 – Assistant Professor, Chair of Biomedical Systems.


  • Quantum optical electronics

  • Biomedical Optical Systems

  • Tissue engineering

Scientific activity

2009-2013 – Head of three research projects under the federal target program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia”.

Owner of a grant and scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and candidates of science and postgraduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy.

Areas of research:

  • biomedical optical systems

  • the interaction of laser radiation with matter

  • the creation of biocompatible materials