Journal "Proceedings of Universities. Electronics" was included in the list of RSCI on the Web of Science platform
Late June witnessed a regular meeting of the RAS Working Group on Quality Assessment and Selection of Journals in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the Web of Science platform.
A complete set of more than 50 bibliometric indicators and statistical reports for the last 8 years of each journal, presented on the eLibrary.Ru, was calculated based on RSCI and on the core of RSCI (Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI) and analyzed.
As a result 17 editions were excluded from the existing RSCI list (total amount: 653 Russian scientific journals) and 137 editions were included. The journal "Proceedings of Universities. Electronics", which has been published in MIET since October 1996, was included into the RSCI database on the Web of Science.
A new list of RSCI (773 Russian scientific journals) can be found here.