Welcome to MIET
National Research University of Electronic Technology is a leading Russian technical university in the field of high technologies. Up-to-date laboratories, innovative technologies and new approach to the educational process make MIET the leader in training qualified specialists in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics, telecommunications and information technologies.

Education System
In accordance with the Bologna process srtarting from September, 1, 2009 Russian institutes of higher education adopted the two-degree system of education.
The system 4+2 ensures Russian University Diplomas to be recognized by European institutions of higher education and vice a versa. It expands employment opportunities and possibilities of further education abroad for graduates.
MIET admits more than 1000 students to Bachelor's degree and more than 300 students to Master's degree programs annually.
After getting Master or Specialist degree a student can enter post-graduatestudies.
Students enter a particular Department for a particular Degree. A Department at MIET is a large formation (Institute of Chair) which consists of chairs, laboratories, educational centers, belonging to the same field of science or arts. Students follow a predetermined curriculum, although in some Departments there exists a list of optional subjects.
Getting a degree at MIET implies completing the curriculum, passing examinations and defending a graduation work (thesis, dissertation) according to the chosen field of study.
The University continues to diversify and improve its education programs. Students are encouraged to take part in research projects and science conferences. Advanced teaching technologies are being introduced to the education process, such as specialized software, interactive multimedia tools, distance learning.
Academic year lasts from September till June and includes two semesters: Fall semester (01.09-24.01) and Spring semester (07.02-30.06). Duration of studies is as follow: BA/BSc – 8 semesters, MSc/MA – 4 semesters, PhD – 6 semesters. Preparatory course lasts for 2 semesters.