MIET has excellent opportunities for research. Among the research staff there are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In recent years, MIET researchers have achieved remarkable results. For example, gyroscopes, developed at MIET, are successfully used in landing space shuttles.
Every year MIET carries out about 400 research and development projects under individual contracts with customers and under various international and national research and technology programs and grants. Thus, MIET is listed among advanced academic research institutions in Russia.
Key figures
- More than 300 research and development projects annually
- More than 1000 employees of University take part in projects, including young specialists
- 70 objects of intellectual property annually, including more than 30 patents
- Between 2006 and 2014 the university acquired educational, laboratory and scientific state of the art equipment for more than 100 million dollars
- The research staff includes 6 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Main directions of MIET research activity development:
- Fundamental research in mathematics, physics, chemistry and electronics
- Information technologies and telecommunications
- Materials for micro-, nano- and optoelectronics
- Micro- and nanoelectronic devices
- Nanotechnology in electronics
- Microsystem technology
- Devices of fiber and integrated optics
- Information control systems and complexes
- Computer simulation and image analysis
- Microelectronic radio systems and devices
- Ecology and human life-support systems
- Economics, management and marketing
- Social and philosophical problems of science and engineering
- Research on problems of general and professional education
All main directions of research at MIET comply with state priority directions of research, development and technology, and principal federal technologies approved by the President of the Russian Federation. MIET research and development projects are realized within the framework of federal goal-oriented programs and international agreements in the following priority directions:
Information and telecommunication systems
• intelligent navigation and control systems design
• data transmission, processing and security
• distributed computing systems
• bioinformation technologies
Nanosystem industry and materials
• nanotechnology and nanomaterials
• electronic components design
• developing and processing special crystalline materials
• mechatronics and microsystem equipment design
Power engineering and energy saving
• developing energy saving systems for transportation, distribution and consumption of power and heat.