Joined electron-beam lithography

MIET has stepped into a joint electron-beam lithography project with Vistec Electron Beam GmbH. MIET, one of the most advanced Universities and research institutions in Russia and Vistec Electron Beam, a leading German supplier of electron-beam lithography systems will collaborate within a dedicated photomask manufacturing project recently kicked-off in Russia.

«After ramping up, the MIET Photomask Centre will provide both semiconductor industry as well as research institutes in Russia with advanced photomasks for a wide range of applications” said Vladimir Bespalov, Senior Vice Rector of MIET.

«Besides mask manufacturing, education and research will play a central role in the new Photomask Centre. MIET selected the Variable Shaped Beam system from Vistec because of the lithography performance, high flexibility, field proven reliability and simplicity of operation functionality of the system». The 50kV Variable Shaped Beam system from Vistec is equipped with fully automated substrate handling and is prepared to expose different substrate types and sizes.

«We are extremely proud to team up with MIET in this photomask manufacturing project» stated Wolfgang Dorl, General Manager of Vistec Electron Beam GmbH. «The recently designed Variable Shaped Beam system represents a continuation of the outstanding business history the company has with Russia and opens up new and exciting opportunities in the emerging Russian market».

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33