FL Department Anniversary

Opening the solemn part of the evening Prof. Yuri Chaplygin, the rector of MIET, congratulated Prof. Mary Evdokimova, the dean of the Department of Foreign Languages, and her colleges with a lot of warm words towards the department and wished further success in their professional activity.
The department was established in 1999 and offers training in Linguistics (English and German languages). After 5 years of study graduates receive the degree of an Interpreter.
After the solemn part FL professors and teachers joined their beloved students to see the concert. To the audience great surprise and excitement on the stage they saw belligerent Amazons. Their emergence was not accidental. Certainly, the concert itself had rather sophisticated plot aimed to rouse the audience curiosity. The actors had coped with the task perfectly. An attentive spectator was sure to trace two plot lines. The first line constituted the concert proper, that entertained the views with funny episodes from students' life, beautiful songs in various languages, dynamic dances and musical composition. At the same time the Amazons were searching for their abducted symbol – the black cat. And in the final of that impressing show there was a traditional hymn performed by the department graduates that made almost everyone feel that festive and elevated atmosphere.