MIET scientists received grants from the Russian Science Foundation
The Russian Science Foundation announced the results of competitive selection for two calls for proposals, grants for individual research groups and the extension of projects of individual research groups funded since 2019. In total, 1171 projects will be funded with total amount of more than 21.5 billion Russian rubles in 2022-2024.
Among the winners there are two projects of MIET scientific groups: the project "Development of a "green" technology for CO2 conversion based on the synergy of the effects of an electric field, electromagnetic radiation and temperature" and the project "Local photochemical reconstruction of two-dimensional carbon nanostructures for the elements of integrated electronics of a new generation".
The first project is being developed by the scientific group of Dmitry Gromov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and Chief Researcher of the Institute of Advanced Materials and Technologies. The scientific work is aimed at improving the “green” carbon dioxide conversion technologies to minimize emissions and their utilization. The use of a combination of an electric field and photostimulation makes it possible to obtain better catalytic activities of oxide semiconductors, a high yield of carbon dioxide conversion products, and to carry out conversion at low temperatures. The combination of methods can open up new opportunities for the development of full-scale catalytic low-temperature processes.
The second project is being developed by the Center "Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology" of MIET and the scientific group of Ivan Bobrinetsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Quantum Physics and Nanoelectronics. The project was supported by the RSF in 2019, and its implementation will continue in 2022-2023.
"We have discovered new effects and phenomena in the field of graphene photochemistry and the application of these effects in biological sensor devices and new optoelectronic elements. We are going to study this direction on other biological objects to develop highly sensitive biosensors and to develop our methods for new two-dimensional structures, namely, Van der Waals heterostructures," - said Ivan Bobrinetsky.