MiMiMIET. Who got the crown?

The Miss and Mister MIET beauty and talent contest takes place every few years. This time twelve students competed for two month to get the right to wear the crown, but only eight of them made to the finals. The students took part in various master classes, e.g. cinematic art, runway walk, sports and dancing, food floristics, as well as singing, and even motorcycling.
The experts assessed every stage of the event by giving the participants a certain number of points. This time, the intelligence competition that used to take place right at the stage during the finals was held separately and recorded. The project ended with a grand show on the stage of the MIET Concert hall, where the finalists performed a final dance, a fashion show, and then showed their creative skills and intelligence competition videos.
According to the jury's assessment and the audience vote, the winners were:
Miss MIET 2023 – Ekaterina Ponomareva
Mister MIET 2023 – Igor Ionov
Miss Popularity – Marina Eskova
Mister Popularity – Dmitrii Moroz
Miss Charm – Ekaterina Ponomareva
Miss Elegance – Sofia Radetskaia
Miss Creativity – Emma Kim
Miss Wide Knowledge – Marina Eskova
Mister Romantic – Nikita Mikheev
Mister Originality – Dmitrii Moroz
Mister Style – Vladislav Taratorin
Mister Charisma – Igor Ionov
Miss and Mister MIET 2023 received a cash prize from the MIET Alumni Association.
Congratulations to the winners!