Professor of Grenoble Institute of Technology lectured at MIET

Professor of Grenoble Institute of Technology lectured at MIET

At the June 30 Professor Fiqiri Hodaj (Institute of Technology, SIMaP Laboratory, Grenoble, France) lectured on "The fundamentals of wetting phenomena in metal-ceramic accompanied by chemical reactions at the interface: thermodynamics and kinetics." The meeting with Professor was organized by the Chair of Materials and Processes of Solid State Electronics at the Electronic Technologies, Materials and Equipment department.

The lecture touched the following questions:

- packaging technologies in microelectronics;

- lead-free solders;

- solder wetting;

- study of interfacial interaction in the Sn-Cu-Ag compounds.

At the end of the lecture talks were held between Prof. Dr. Dmitriy G. Gromov, head of the chair of Materials and Processes of Solid State Electronics, and Prof. Hodaj on partnership with the SIMaP Laboratory. As a result of the talks MIET and Grenoble Institute of Technology estabilished cooperation in the field of nanomaterials and processes for nano-electronics.

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Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64
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+7 (499) 720-89-33