In October the Final Conference will be held within the 7th Framework Programme at MIET

In October the Final Conference will be held within the 7th Framework Programme at MIET logo semidec.jpg
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FP7 SEMIDEC Final Conference

«Design of semiconductor components and electronic based miniaturised systems: European and Russian R&D cooperation»

October 24-25, 2011 – Zelenograd, Russia

Aims and Goals

The final conference is aimed at strengthening R&D collaboration between the European Union and Russia in the field of Semiconductor Design Technologies (SDT). To this effect, representatives from both the research and industrial communities will be brought together to share experiences, present and discuss recent scientific and technological achievements, and identify areas of common interest and potential R&D collaboration in the field of SDT, namely within the scope of upcoming and already existing calls of the European Union' 7th Framework Programme.

The final conference isbased on National Research University of Electronic Technology and being organised by the EC-funded project SEMIDEC, «Stimulating Semiconductor Design Cooperation between Europe and Russia». Semiconductor Design is one of the key priority ICT areas defined in the 7th Framework Programme (ICT Work Programme). The SEMIDEC project is aimed to stimulate cooperation between Europe and Russia in the design of semiconductor components and electronic based miniaturised systems and to help R&D teams from European Union and Russia to initiate joint SDT projects.

Conference participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Establish contacts and discuss opportunities for joint research projects with representatives of EU and Russian companies and organizations in semiconductor design area looking for partners for international cooperation
  • The conference participants will have an opportunity to receive free advice on technical and administrative matters pertaining to the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, on preparing project proposals, and on potential partners for joint SDT projects.
  • Get insight into the latest technical developments presented by researchers with first-hand experience
  • Know about results of SEMIDEC project implementation and examples of joint Russian and European research projects in the field of SDT design.

During the 1st and 2nd SEMIDEC Workshops - which were hold in Saint-Petersburg (September 20-21, 2010) and in Ulyanovsk University (May 19-20, 2011) - many innovation leading companies in the field of semiconductor design were involved: Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (Germany), LFoundry (Germany), Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (Spain), Institut Telecom/Telecom Bretagne (France), ImmunoClin (UK), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Moscow State University of Electronic Technology, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, and representatives of the chips design centres IDM+ (Moscow) and Nevatron (SPb), and other companies interested in collaboration with Russian.

SEMIDEC Final Conference participants will have unique opportunity to take part after the Conference in 4 International Nanotechnology Forum RUSNANOTECH. RUSNANOTECH will be held on 26-28 October, 2011. RUSNANOTECH is a global venue for discussion of innovative development and nanoindustry establishment issues. The Forum is of relevance for all the innovative process participants: scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, financial experts, federal and regional power representatives. Within the framework of the sections on the Business and Science and Technology Programs of the Forum one will be able to obtain information on prospective nanotechnology researches, find ways of their commercialization, investments attraction and nanotechnology products demand creation.

Target Audience

The conference targets an audience (at the level of project manager, researchers, head of laboratory, etc.) from European and Russian organisations (academia, research institutes & laboratories, multinational corporations, SMEs, etc.) specializing in the areas that are at the core of the SEMIDEC project.

Many companies from neighbour Moscow regions, Moscow, Zelenograd, Europe and etc., working in the field of semiconductor design, have already confirmed their participation at the FP7 SEMIDEC Final Conference in Zelenograd on October 24-25, 2011.

Program overview

The conference will include following main components:

  • Plenary section – discussion the priority tasks and opportunities for joint Russian-European research cooperation in the field of SDT and participation in FP7 calls;
  • summarizing of SEMIDEC results, success, lesson learnt, presentations from stakeholders, perspectives for cooperation;
  • brokerage (networking) meeting for Russian and European semiconductor design organizations. Each company or research team can present their R&D competences in the field of SDT and ideas for joint FP7 projects (10-15 minutes);
  • visiting MIET and «semiconductor» companies.

FP7 Training

Training on how to contact and cooperate with potential EU semiconductor organizations, how to participate in the EU’s FP7 ICT work programme, and how to prepare an FP7 ICT research proposal.

Registration Information

To register for the FP7 SEMIDEC Final Conference, please complete the attached registration form and send it to Petryaev Dmitry (

Foreigner participants of the conference are invited to stay for «Bonjour» hotel within 20-minutes walking distance of the conference venue.

Important Deadlines

Registration: 01 October, 2011

Abstract submission: 10 October, 2011


For EU participants:

Mr. Giles Brandon (Intelligentsia Consultants) -

For Russian participants:

Dmitry Petryaev –

Alexander Larchikov –

Tatiana Krivenkova –

Zhanna Smirnova –





FP7 Training for Russian participants

  • General introduction to FP7
  • How to register in CORDIS
  • Partner search web-portals and Russian NCP
  • Overview of proposal preparation
  • From technological TA to joint proposal submission



15:00 – 18:00

Business visit to

- Moscow State University of Electronic Technology,

- Zelenograd innovation and technology centre,

- Mikron,

- Angstrem

19:30 – 22:30

Networking dinner



Plenary session: SEMIDEC results, success, lesson learnt, perspectives for cooperation

Representatives of Russian Ministry of Education and Science, European Commission Delegation to Russia, Rosnano, Foundation to Assistance for Small Innovation Enterprises will be invited for plenary session discussion

- SEMIDEC Objectives

- Promotion guide of leading Russian semiconductor organisations

- Report on Russian semiconductor research, technology and organisations

- Support provided to young Russian researchers

- Support provided to participate in FP7 proposals

- Conclusions, Lessons learned & Future Work

- Perspectives for EU-Russia cooperation in semiconductor design


Presentations by European Microelectonics Experts

- Presentation by expert #1

- Presentation by expert #2

- Etc

13.00- 14.00


14.00 – 18.00

Brokerage (networking) meeting for Russian and European semiconductor design organizations


Departure of EU experts and SEMIDEC team for Moscow

Optionally: participation in RUSNANOTECH

A2. Program committee:

  • Yury Chaplygin – MIET
  • Alexander Larchikov – MIET
  • Giles Brandon – Intelligentsia Consultants Ltd
  • Svetlana Klessova - Inno AG
  • Johann Hauer - Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS
  • Anton Yanovsky – RTTN
  • Alexander Korotkov - SPbSPU

A3. Brief information about MIET

National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) was founded in 1965. MIET training of superior quality is carried out by highly skilled faculty -- including more than 100 Doctors of Sciences and over 300 PhDs – complemented by a sound technical base, personal curricula and modern training methods. The curricula of the departments provide fundamental training in physics, mathematics and computer science. They also provide in-depth study of a foreign language, professional training and high-quality training in management and marketing. MIET cooperates with leading universities of Europe and the United States, taking part in undergraduate, postgraduate and professor exchange programs. Students do their practical work at MIET scientific laboratories and subdivisions, as well as at Moscow and Zelenograd companies. A program of elite professional training is carried out at MIET in cooperation with a number of foreign leaders in the electronics industry: Synopsys, Cadence, Freescale Semiconductor, PTC, Mentor Graphics and others.

Address: 124498, Moscow, Zelenograd, road 4806, b.5.

Tel\fax: (499) 731-44-41


A4. Brief information about SEMIDEC

The SEMIDEC project is a special support action to stimulate strategic cooperation in the design of semiconductor components and electronic based miniaturised systems between Europe and Russia. Initiated by six European (United Kingdom, France and Germany) and Russian partners, SEMIDEC project aims to develop cooperation between the two regions.

Russia is one of a few countries in the world to have in depth knowledge and capabilities spanning research, design and production of microelectronics and integrated circuits. Despite Russia’s considerable expertise the Russian electronics industry experienced a dramatic decline in investment and domestic demand following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and there were no Russian semiconductor organisations participating in the EC’s FP6 IST programme.

Meanwhile, Europe faces challenges in addressing the research priorities identified in the FP7 ICT Work Programme 2009 and ENIAC Strategic Research Agenda 2007 in the field of semiconductor design methods and tools whereas it has a leading position in integrated circuit product innovation.

The SEMIDEC project is thus a great opportunity to fill in lacking contact with foreign companies and access to foreign markets for Russia’s electronics industry as well as to foster industrial and research partnerships between Russia and Europe in semiconductor design.

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33