Professor of applied mathematics A. Khrennikov lectured at MIET
October 26- 28, Professor of Linnaeus University Andrey Khrennikov lectured at MIET on Mathematic modelling on the basis of ultrametric analysis. The lectures were organized by the chair of Higher Mathematics-1 of the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications. The lectures were addressed mostly to the students of applied mathematics and lecturers of the Higher Mathematics chair.
During the lectures the following topics were covered:
- mathematical foundation of quantum physics;
- quantum theory of information;
- quantum cryptography and more.
Andrey Khrennikov is professor of applied mathematics at Linnaeus University, situated in Växjö and Kalmar in Sweden. He is also the Head of International Centre of Mathematic Modelling in physics, technology, economy and cognitive sciences. Professor Khrennikov is well known for his contribution to various areas of mathematics, physics and biology. He worked on non-Archimedian analysis (fields of p-adic numbers and their expansion) applying to quantum mechanics, String Theory and cosmology. P-adic models are widely used in biology (in brain activity simulation) and genetics. Two of his monographs are published in Russian: 'Non-Archimedean Analysis and its application', 2003 and 'Modelling of thinking processes in p-adic coordinates', 2004. For a few years Professor Khrennikov has been working on issues of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. His monograph 'Introduction into quantum theory of information' was published in Russia in 2008.