Thanks to MIET scientists Russian doctors successfully implanted an "artificial heart"
MIET biomedical research and development are being widely applied. The main activities of the department relate to the research and development work in the field of biomedical devices and systems. For instance, devices for monitoring person physiological parameters, equipment for photometric studies of biological fluids, devices for electric defibrillation, tomograph for baby’s brain diagnosis, as well as one of the most rapidly developing areas - artificial organs and implants.
This year BMS department completed a significant step in creating an "artificial heart": our researches carried out developmental work, successfully tested it on animals (calves), and just a couple of weeks ago, "heart", formally called wearable apparatus for assist circulation, was implanted to the patient. The first domestic device consists of a pump, running parallel to the heart, and the life support system, which is connected to the pump. This "heart" can keep life to the patient waiting for organ transplantation, as well as restore natural functions of diseased heart. The first successful surgery on "artificial heart" implantation was carried out thanks to BMS and Scientific University for Transplantation V.I.Shumakova. Research supervisor is S.V. Selishchev, the Head of BMS.
Department of Biomedical Systems is engaged in scientific research not only in Russia. For a long time it has cooperated with German leading universities in two main areas: the Moscow-Bavarian Student School MB-JASS, as well as Russian-Bavarian Conference on Biomedical Engineering.