MIET was attended by graduate of the University cosmonaut Sergei Revin

November 29 MIET took a special guest. Sergei Revin the Russian cosmonaut of Roscosmos, graduated MIET 1989, met with students, faculty and staff of the university.
The weather conditions did not prevent the first MIET astronaut to visit the home university. By the beginning of the meeting in recreation center of MIET going full house. Schoolchildren (representatives of the relevant schools MIET), students and teachers welcomed the guest of honor standing.
Sergey began by a story about themselves, school days and his student life. He told about his vivid memories of studying at university. Recall that SN Revin - a graduate of the Faculty of FT (now Faculty of ECT).
Space pilot continued the presentation by going to the theme of flight training. He brought with him a presentation with photos, where audience was able to see much of the pre-stage of life astronaut: suits, missile parts and training. As it turned out, to fly in space must not only have excellent health and fitness. Need to study and pass a lot of information about 150 exams. Pre-flight is heavy and persistent work. Sergey spoke about the traditions of astronauts, taken before the flight, and the last hours before the start of the rocket.
In the story of the expedition to the International Space Station, MIET astronaut first focused on the scientific experiments. Today, most of them are medical. However, Sergei said that by his point of view, the experiments related to the field of research MIET, particularly micro-and nanoelectronics, would also be very relevant in orbit.
The second part of the meeting with an astronaut were questions from the audience. Sergei Nikolaevich was asked about the weightlessness, about sensations in space, the flight to Mars, the big bang theory, and so on.
Responding to a question about what he would like to wish the pupils and students, space pilot noted the importance of not only higher education, but also "to find a good job after university." Following this principle, Sergei was able to get where he was able to join the astronauts.
After the meeting, Zelenograd residents and students for a long time did not let the astronaut - took his autograph, asked to take a picture, asked questions. Finally, Sergei went on a tour of his alma mater. Together with the rector Y.A. Chaplygin he visited the Museum of History of MIET, the leading university departments and acquainted with their newest developments.
Pilot-Cosmonaut left greeting in the guest book and handed over to the University Museum of the MIET autographed photos of Space Expedition, as well as the emblem of the crew.
Sergei Revin promised that this visit MIET wasn’t last one, in particular next visit might be timed to the Day of Cosmonautics in April next year.