Vice President of the Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) visited MIET

Vice President of the Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) visited MIET

Vice president of Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) Professor Konstantin Protasov and representatives of French Embassy in Moscow made the next step to begin the project of creating and launching into orbit a "student" Russian-French satellite to carry out a number of scientific experiments in near-earth region. The project is supported by government institutions of Russia and France, and soon the cooperation between the developers from two universities will begin.

Professor Protasov held talks on expanding cooperation in education and science with MIET vice-rectors of Sergey A. Gavrilov and Dmitriy G. Kovalenko,visited a number of laboratories and training centers of the university and lectured to students from Chairs of Telecommunication systems (TCS) and Integrated electronics and microsystems (IEMS) on the current state of science and education in France.

The Université Joseph Fourier is among the leading universities in the world and in Europe according to the prominent ratings.

Additional Information:

MIET and microelectronics cluster in Grenoble jointly make electronics for space

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33