MIET joined the group of 500 world leading universities

MIET joined the group of 500 world leading universities

Worldwide Professional University Rankings RankPro 2014/2015 is a professional world universities ranking, which is compiled by the International Council for Science in collaboration with the Latvian Academy of Sciences within the international program "Global World Communicator. Education and Science".

The universities are evaluated according to the three criteria:

  • Academic ranking - the academic opportunities of the university. The ranking includes the number of students and the scientific and academic staff of the university, offered educational programs, research work, awards and the administration.
  • BC Index - the availability of information on the university’s website. The criteria taken into account here are: the general information about the university (its description), academic information, communication opportunities.
  • Reputational ranking - the universities status in global and national rankings and the results of the expert survey of the members of the International Council for Science.

The connection between each of the three rankings in the construction of the professional world universities ranking is determined by professors – the members of the International Council for Science from the universities of different types in more than 40 countries.

According to the second edition of the program GWC - RankPro 2014/2015 National Research University of Electronic Technology entered the group of 500 world leading universities in the program of professional ranking. The top-500 world universities includes only 26 Russia universities.

Additional Information:

MIET in QS Ranking

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64 ird@miee.ru
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33 ait@miee.ru