MIET took the 22th place among Russian universities in Round University Ranking
Round University Ranking (RUR) is a world university ranking, measuring performance of 750 leading world universities on 20 across 4 key missions: teaching (40%), research (40%), international diversity (10%), financial sustainability (10%). The ranking is published by RUR Rankings Agency based in Moscow.
MIET took 22th place among the 27 universities of Russia included in the ranking.
The best results MIET showed on the following indicators: "Teaching" (18th place in Russia) and "Financial sustainability" (10th place in Russia). Further information about the ranking and the methodology you can see here.
Among the leading Russian universities in the world ranking the first is Lomonosov Moscow State University (187th place in the world ranking), the second is National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (296th place), the third - National Research Tomsk State University (369th place). MIET is located on the 659-th position.
Additional Information:
MIET joined the group of 500 world leading universities