Agreement between MIET, ZITC and corporate group "MORTON" was signed

Agreement between MIET, ZITC and corporate group "MORTON" was signed

On June 1 MIET rector Y.Chaplygin, OJSC "Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Centre" general director V.Bespalov and corporate group "MORTON" president A.Ruchev signed an agreement on cooperation in the development, production and commercialization of import-substituting innovative technologies in construction and energy conservation.

Priority areas of work within the framework of the agreement include: development, production and introduction in "MORTON" facilities of electronic devices, equipment, detectors, electronic component base, information and telecommunication systems which are used to account and dispatch energy resources as well as provide energy conservation and imports phase-out; skilled engineers training to implement, maintain and operate modern utilities system of construction.

The agreement was signed during A.Ruchev's visit to Zelenograd. They shew Zelenograd ITC modern infrastructure complex to Aleksandr Vasilevich, told him about cutting-edge technologies in the area of individual record energy-saving systems, heat and electrical energy distribution and consumption in construction. By the usage of wireless technologies to gather and pass data the ease of installation and cost savings in materials will be guaranteed, as well as the elimination of the need to install wires.

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33