Scientists of the Biomedical Systems Department of MIET participated in the 12th German-Russian Conference on Biomedical Engineering
The 12th German-Russian Conference on Biomedical Engineering took place from 4 till 7 of July 2016. The event was organized by Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletov.
The conference purpose is to organize the platform for successful sharing of experience and ideas, for active scientific discussions and for connection between scientists in the field of biomedical engineering of both countries.
This year conference was focus on:
Biomaterials, implants, artificial organs;
Processing and analysis of biomedical signals and data;
Computer aided medical procedures;
Simulation and training;
Surgical workflow analysis and prediction;
Mechatronics and biomedical engineering;
Biomedical imaging and image processing.
Each year members of the Biomedical Systems Department of MIET actively participate in this conference. This year MIET representatives under the direction of prof. Sergei Selishchev, the head of the department, made 22 sectional presentations and 2 plenary presentations on the topics: "From 3D Electronic Engineering to 3D Biomedical Engineering" (reporter prof., PhD Sergei Selishchev) and "Geometric evaluation of an inductive powering unit for implanted medical device with parallel computing on GPU" (reporter PhD Arsenii Danilov).
In total there were made 94 sectional presentations and 11 plenary presentations from both sides. The international scientific community highly appreciated the level of MIET speakers. According to the results of expert assessment the report "Research of dialysis fluid regeneration methods" of postgraduate Boris Putrya has been rewarded as one of the best reports of the conference in the section "Biomedical engineering and biomaterials".
The participants also got acquainted with the directions of development and new promising developments of Vladimir State University, which is the largest institution of higher education of the Vladimir region and one of its centers of science and culture, and exchanged experiences in the implementation of bioengineering projects.