MIET is ranked among the best universities in the world

MIET is ranked among the best universities in the world

The world’s leading rating agency Times Higher Education has published the ranking of the best universities in the world. The World University Rankings 2016-17 has studied 980 higher educational institutions of the world (180 more than last year). The number of Russian universities in the ranking has also increased - from 13 to 24.

National Research University "MIET" has taken the 13th place among the Russian universities and shared 801th place with other universities. It is a good result for our university, which proves the university competitiveness as a world scientific and educational center!

Rating is based on 13 indicators grouped into five categories: education, scientific research, citation rate, internationalization and innovation. The 1st place among Russian universities has traditionally taken the Moscow State University (MGU) named after Lomonosov, which is on the 188th place among the leading universities of the world.

Additional Information:

MIET is ranked among the best universities according to the scientific indicator of QS BRICS University Rankings for 2016

Head of International Relations Division
Mrs. Irina I. Ponomaryova
+7 (499) 734-02-64 ird@miee.ru
Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Dr. Alexander G. Balashov
+7 (499) 720-89-33 ait@miee.ru