The II Piano day is held in Russia
Throughout the world, the piano movement is growing. On March 29, thematic events took place in such cities as Melbourne, Montreal, Vancouver, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, Luxembourg, Warsaw, Ankara, Ljubljana, London, Portland, Moscow, St. Petersburg and in some other places of the world. A year ago, Russia joined the movement: the post-graduate MIET student Kapiton Neklyudov organized Piano day at the MIET Concert Hall.
There were already two venues this year. Moscow concert was held in MIET, while the second city-participant was St. Petersburg. The number of perfomers also increased: Aron Bergen, Fyodor Biryuchev, Cyril Richter and Kapiton Neklyudov played their piece of music at the MIET Concert Hall.
That evening, all comers could not only listen to the piano music of different styles, as every young composer in his own way expressed feelings and mood, but enjoy the sounds of cellos and violins.
For those who could not attend the event, the organizers prepared the broadcast. You can watch the concert by clicking on the link -