Department of Intellectual Technical Systems

Dean – Vladimir M. Roschin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
The department includes the following chairs:
- Materials of Electronics
- Microelectronics
- General and Physical Chemistry
- Industrial Ecology
- Automatic Operation and Control Systems
- Engineering Mechanics
The department offers Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degrees in:
- Automation and Control
- Electronics and Microelectronics
- Environmental Protection
- Electronics Mashinery
Intellectual Technical Systems department was created to keep up with the worldwide trend of blending chemistry, physics, mathematics and ecology to create new materials and technologies.
Our students are the ones interested in discovering new, previously unknown, physical and chemical processes and using them to create fundamentally new technologies that stay in harmony with ever so priceless and delicate Nature while keeping up with modern design standards.
The department’s top priorities are fundamentality, informatization and science intensive technologies.
Our students enter the world of nanomaterials and nanotechnology and see new devices with extraordinary properties being built using less than a milligram of matter. This means science intensive technology and new engineering approaches with minimum material consumption. The graduates are experts in physics, chemistry, mechanics and ecology.
The department takes particular interest in creating element for micromechanical systems. Various probes, accelerometers, gyroscopes have a wide range of civil and special applications.
The student may devote himself or herself to developing smart devices, designing and manufacturing automation and control systems.
We urge our students to create, but to do it carefully and wisely, taking nature into consideration. The students are taught to effectively monitor matter and energy, design environmental protection equipment, simulate the interaction between manufacturing and environment, find compromise in a world of multicriteriality and uncertainty of modern global problems.
All of the above is taught using information technologies that give unlimited opportunities in solving theoretical and practical problems that will emerge in our graduates' lives.
Our graduates are employed by various Russian and foreign companies, academic and manufacturing research institutes, design offices, including the ones dealing in hi-tech, computer simulation of technological processes and design.