Сorporate management system Review 1

Сorporate management system Review 1

Maksim Schavlev

Hello, my name is Maksim Schavlev. I am a second year student of corporate management system for innovate industries master program in Institute of Systems and software engineering and informational technology. We study a lot of IT related subjects like electrical system, web programming, business process management, etc. I like business process management the most, it's my favorite one. I like it because of its strong connection with IT environmental overall. You cannot imagine updating or developing new IT system without the knowledge of business process which you are going to automate. And the tasks change with every case, that makes challenge and it teaches you how to deal with it.

I enjoy this program because we have experienced lecturers, who are always ready to help students with their questions, up-to-date informational materials, and top notch hardware and software. We are also given different interesting tasks some of which require creative solution, that in my opinion is quite important in our field.

I'm only working the electronic production facility, but I'm planning to work in the field of computer aided design software integration and implementation, mainly for production facilities. I'm sure that the theoretical experience I have got during my studies will help to make my plans come true.