Editorial Staff of Journal

Editorial Staff of Journal

Zvereva Saida Guseinovna – head of editorial staff

Tikhonova Aleksandra Vladimirovna – chief editor

Letunova Lidiya Filippovna – chief editor

Svinarchuk Olga Vladimirovna – editor

Voznaya Irina Viktorovna – responsible for subscription

Subdivision has been created in 1995 in connection with establishing scientific-technical journal <<Proceedings of Universities. Electronics>> by the Ministry of general and professional education of Russian Federation and the National Research University of Electronic technology.

Principal activity fields of editorial staff of Journal

"Proceedings of Universities. Electronics"

Editorial staff of Journal is a structural subdivision of MIET providing the functions approved by the Provisions or the editorial staff "Proceedings of Universities. Electronics"

1. In common with the editorial board executes acceptance and selection of materials for printing.

2. Organizes reviewing of scientific papers by leading specialists.

3. Executes scientific, literary, technical editing of author originals.

4. Organizes work with authors: is in correspondence in case of improper drawing up of a manuscript and in case of finishing off after reviewing, providing the qualitative preparation and handing over the printed material for production.

5. Gives consultations according to the requirements on manuscript preparation for handing over to the editorial staff in a printed and electron forms.

6. Holds on electron archives of registration data on papers received by the editorial staff for reviewing, the card index of authors and reviewers.

7. Executes work on the journal distribution through "Rospechat" Agency and other organizations.

8. Provides timely delivery of journal to subscribers.

9. Organizes work on placing informational and advertising materials in the journal.

10. Places in the network medium the abstracts, contents of current issues of the journal and subject indices of papers.

Principal objects of editorial staff of journal:

. publishing in the journal of scientific materials having theoretical practical significance, prepared on a high scientific level and elucidating an up-to-date state of certain problems in electronics, for the purpose of broad exchange of scientific information in this field between universities and other institutions, elucidation of universities modernization problems;

. providing the scientific-methodical interpretation of the published materials with the account of specifics of readers' address according to the concept of scientific journals of universities;

. production of journal special issues, formed according to subject feature;

. preparation and timely production of journal periodically once per two months;

. production of the high-quality original-model of journal and its delivery to printing according to schedule;

. organization of work on increasing the circulation of the journal and its sale.