Brief biography
1981 – Graduated from MIET.
Since 1984 – Worked at MIET.
1994 – Candidate of Science Engineering.
2004 - Doctor of Science Engineering.
Since 2005 – Director of the Institute of Nano and Microsystem Technology.
Since 2007 – Professor.
2007 – Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Microelectromechanical systems
Physico-chemical bases of silicon structures on the insulator
Electronic Parts
Technology of parts and components for EMU
Microsystem Technology Components
Scientific activity
Directions of research and development:
Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and devices of micro- and nanoelectronics, microsystem technology.
Development of designs and manufacturing techniques for small-sized linear acceleration converters (microaccelerometers), angular velocity (microgyroscopes), inclinometers, microturn mirrors, positioning systems and elements of navigation blocks, inertial information blocks based on silicon sensitive elements.
The study of the physicochemical processes of chemical, plasma-chemical etching of microelectronic materials, the processes of fusion and formation of multilayer, complex structures for microelectronics and microsystem technology.
Research and development of basic and technological processes for the manufacture of SOI structures and sensitive elements (SE) of sensors of physical quantities.
Development of manufacturing and assembly technology for CE MEMS.
Author of 180 printed works, including 4 teaching aids, 10 patents and applications.