Boyko Anton Nikolaevich Candidate of Science Engineering, Associate Professor

Brief biography

2001 – Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova, Master of Engineering and Technology in the field of Electronics and Microelectronics, dissertation topic: “The effect of irradiation with low-energy ions on the surface composition of Pb-In single crystals”.

2006 – MIET, Candidate of Science engineering, major 05.27.06 - Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and devices of electronic equipment, on "Design and technological features of the manufacture of microelectromechanical devices of the torsion type".


2012/2013 – Grant to support research in the framework of the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013.

2010/2011 – Grant for joint research with the Institute of Electronic Nanosystems Fraunhofer ENAS (Germany) with the support of the Russian-German program “Mikhail Lomonosov-II”.

2008 – Grant of the President of the Russian Federation to support young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences.


  • Micro- and nanotechnologies for the production of electronic devices

  • Fundamentals of Microelectronics Technology

  • Design engineering and production technology of LSI and VLSI

Scientific activity

Scientific work experience: research and development in the field of microsystem technology.

Sphere of scientific interests: technologies of sealing and control of the tightness of microsystems, getter materials for microsystems, functional nanomaterials.

Key scientific achievements:

  • Development of the design of a device for monitoring the tightness of microstructures in a group way

  • Study of gas absorption materials based on Ti-V and porous silicon

  • Study of nanofunctional materials based on porous silicon

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific publications, including 2 teaching aids and 6 patents.