Brief biography
2004 – Graduated from MIET with the qualification of an engineer, major "Multichannel telecommunication systems".
2009 – Postgraduate of MIET, major 05.12.13 “Systems, networks and devices of telecommunications”.
Since 2014 – Head of the Chair of Telecommunication SystemsCourses
Introduction to the specialty
Routing methods in data transmission systems
Modeling and development of communication networks
Systems of network support and support of infocommunication services
Communication networks and switching systems
Development planning of communication services based on infocommunication technologies
Scientific activity
Author of more than 40 published works (including one study guide).
The area of scientific and practical interests includes:
the problems of building mobile wireless communication networks;
development of scientific and technical fundamentals of the technology for creating networks, systems and telecommunications devices and ensuring their effective functioning;
development of methods for the efficient use of telecommunication networks, systems and devices in various sectors of the national economy;
development of methods for combining telecommunication, measuring and control systems;
development of research methods, modeling and design of telecommunications networks, systems and devices.