Brief biography
2006 – Graduated from MIET with bachelor’s degree in the field of “Electronics and Microelectronics”, specializing in "Electronic devices".
2008 – Graduated from MIET with master’s degree in the field of "Electronics and Microelectronics", specializing in "Electronics of Biomedical Systems".
2008-2012 – Postgraduate student, engineer, leading engineer of the Chair of Biomedical Systems.
2012-2013 – Researcher, senior researcher at the Chair of Biomedical Systems.
Since 2013 – Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Systems.
2012 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, major 01.04.07 "Condensed Matter Physics". The theme of the dissertation is “Investigation of the bimodality effect of the temporal distributions of laser pulses transmitted through a strongly scattering biological medium”.
Human anatomy and physiology
Biocompatible materials
Scientific activity
Scientist in the field of biomedical optics, medical diagnostic systems.
Author of 35 publications and 3 patents of the Russian Federation.