Integrated microsystems design with Mentor Graphics
National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET)
«Integrated microsystems design with Mentor Graphics»
Education Field: 11.04.03. Design and technology of electronic tools
The master's program "Integrated microsystems design with Mentor Graphics" is implemented by MIET in conjunction with Mentor A Siemens Business. This company is a world leader in the ECAD systems development. Together we train specialists in the field of research, designing, modeling and technological preparation products for microsystem technology production, and sensor systems using digital twin technology based on modern CAD systems Mentor A Siemens Business.
The combination of “design” and “technology” in the name of educational field (11.04.03 Design and technology of electronic tools) is not accidental, because you can only develop a modern electronic device by combining knowledge of the latest computer-aided design systems and capabilities of technology. This is especially true in the rapidly developing direction of intelligent sensor systems.
The program curriculum covers main stages in the life cycle of sensory systems development: from research to manufacture and testing. Some subjects are taught in English.
2.1. Mission of the educational program
The mission of the educational program is to train highly qualified world-class specialists who are able to carry out research and design professional activities in the field of electronic systems and microsystems design and technology with knowledge and skills in the area of modern CAD systems.
2.2. Objectives of the educational program
1. Development and self-development of graduates' social and personal qualities, such as determination, organization, hard work ability, responsibility, citizenship, communicativeness, tolerance, improving the general culture.
2. Providing a high professional level of training for research, designing, modeling and technological preparation for microsystem technology production of digital, analog and analog-to-digital modules and modules of “system in package” level using modern CAD systems of Mentor Graphics in accordance with the priority of the state program National Technological Initiative, the state educational and professional standards; training specialists in the fields of onboard space equipment and systems development and systems in package designing.
Orientation (profile) – Integrated microsystems design with Mentor Graphics
Assigned qualification – Master
Mode of study – full-time
Languages of instruction – Russian and English
Duration of study – 2 years
Requirements for the applicant
Diploma of higher education at any level. Other requirements are established by the Rules for admission to the MIET for a particular academic year.
4.1. Области и (или) сферы профессиональной деятельности выпускников
06 Communication, information and communication technologies (in the field of electronic means design, development, production and operation)
25 Aerospace industry (in the field of systems and devices design, development, installation and operation)
29 Production of electrical, electronic and optical equipment (in the field of design, technology and production of systems in package, micro- and nanoscale electromechanical systems)
4.2. Types of professional tasks and tasks of professional activity
Types of graduates' professional tasks:
- scientific-research
- project (engineering)
Tasks of graduates' professional activity:
scientific-research activity:
development of work plans and programs for scientific research and technical development, preparation of individual tasks for performers;
collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on the research topic, the choice of methods and means of solving the problem;
development of methods and research and measurement of parameters and characteristics of electronic products, analysis of their results;
development of physical and mathematical models of studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the professional field of activity;
modeling of objects and processes in order to analyze and optimize their parameters using available research tools, including standard application software packages;
preparation of scientific and technical reports, reviews, essays, publications on the results of studies;
fixation and protection of intellectual property.
engineering activity:
analysis of scientific and technical problems state by selecting, studying and analyzing literary and patent sources;
setting goals, tasks for designing and engineering of electronic devices;
design of modules, blocks, systems and complexes of electronic means, taking into account specified requirements;
development of engineering documentation in accordance with methodological and regulatory requirements;
4.3. Objects of graduates' professional activity
Radio-electronic means, electronic computing means, microwave electronic means, nanoelectronic means, technological processes of production, technological materials and technological equipment, design and technological documentation, methods and means of tuning and testing, electronic quality control tools, methods of designing electronic tools.
4.4. Planned results of mastering the educational program
As a result of mastering the program, the following competencies should be formed at the graduate:
Universal competencies (UC):
UC-1 Ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, develop an action strategy.
UC-2 Ability to manage a project at all stages of its life cycle.
UC-3 Ability to organize and manage the work of the team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal.
UC-4 Ability to apply modern communication technologies, including in a foreign language (s), for academic and professional interaction.
UC-5 Ability to analyze and take into account the diversity of cultures in the process of intercultural interaction.
UC-6 Ability to determine and implement the priorities of their own activities and ways to improve them on the basis of self-esteem.
General professional competencies (GPC):
GPC-1. Ability to present a modern scientific picture of the world, identify the natural science essence of the problem, formulate tasks, determine ways to solve them and evaluate the effectiveness of the choice and methods of legal protection of the results of intellectual activity.
GPC-2. Ability to apply modern research methods, present and defend the results of the work performed.
GPC-3. Ability to acquire, process and use new information in their subject area, offer new ideas and approaches to solving the problems of their professional activity.
GPC-4. Ability to develop and apply specialized mathematical software for research and solving engineering problems.
Professional competences (PC)
PC-1 Ability to formulate the goals and objectives of scientific research in accordance with the trends and prospects of electronic tools and technological processes development, as well as related fields of science and technology, ability to choose theoretical and experimental methods and means of problems solving.
PC-2 Ability to organize and conduct experimental research using modern means and methods.
PC-3 Ability to draw scientific conclusions based on theoretical and experimental studies results, to give recommendations on improving devices and systems, to prepare scientific publications and inventions applications.
PC-4 Ability to analyze the state of scientific and technical problems by selecting, studying and analyzing literature and patent sources.
PC-5 Ability to determine goals, to carry out the tasks for the electronic devices design, circuits and devices for various functional purposes design, to prepare technical specifications for design work.
PC-6 Ability to design devices and systems of electronic equipment, taking into account given requirements.
PC-7 Ability to develop design documentation in accordance with methodology and regulatory requirements.
PC-8 Ability to conduct laboratory and practical classes for students, to supervise the course design works and graduate bachelors works.
PC-9 Ability to master the skills of developing teaching materials for students in certain types of training subjects.
PC-10 Ability to carry out designing and construction of microsystems by Mentor Graphics CAD tools in accordance with their production technology.
Structure |
Volume (ECTS) |
Unit 1 |
Modules (disciplines) |
67 |
Unit 2 |
Practice |
47 |
Unit 3 |
State final certification (master's theses) |
6 |
Total Volume |
120 |
The volume of the program implemented in one academic year – 60 ECTS
The volume of the program obligatory part – 75 ECTS
Types of practices:
- educational: research work (obtaining primary research work skills).
- manufacturing: research work, teaching practice, undergraduate practice.
State final certification: preparation for the defense procedure and defense of the final qualification work (master's theses).