Artificial intelligence software engineering
National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET)
«Artificial intelligence software engineering»
Education Field: 09.04.04 Software Engineering
After graduation students can easily find студентам successful application of their professional skills. Students annually take part in various domestic and international scientific and practical conferences, show high results in personal and team programming competitions. Employer enterprises through their representatives - part-time teachers participate in the development of work curriculum and program content, they also provide methodological support of the program. This allows students to undergo practical training as close as possible to the real work conditions, as well as to have prospects for further employment in the respective enterprises and companies.
2.1. Mission and objectives of the educational program
The mission and objectives of the educational program in the education field 09.04.04 Software Engineering fit the Mission of MIET, its Development Program goals and contribute to the implementation to the priority areas of National Technological Initiative and development of Radio-electronic devices and systems, which is focused on training personnel and creating scientific-innovative products in the field of modern communication systems, information management systems, navigation and positioning systems, intelligent systems for energy conservation and high-tech medical systems.
Orientation (profile) – Artificial intelligence software engineering.
Assigned qualification – Master
Mode of study – full-time
Languages of instruction – Russian
Duration of study – 2 years
Requirements for the applicant
Diploma of higher education at any level. Other requirements are established by the Rules for admission to the MIET for a particular academic year.
4.1. Area of professional activities
06 Communication, information and communication technologies (in the field of electronic means design, development, production and operation).
4.2. Types of professional tasks and tasks of professional activity
Types of graduates' professional tasks:
- manufacturing and technological;
- scientific-research;
- project (design).
Tasks of graduates' professional activity:
manufacturing and technological activities:
- using international information resources and knowledge of management systems in the information support of decision-making processes and organizational development;
scientific-research activities:
- conducting scientific research related to objects of professional activity;
- development of new and improvement of existing methods and algorithms for data processing in information and computing systems;
- development of new and improvement of existing formal methods of software engineering;
- writing reports on research work and publishing scientific results;
project activities:
- design of distributed information systems and protocols for their interaction;
- design of systems with parallel data processing and high-performance systems;
- design of auxiliary programming and data presentation languages.
4.3. Planned results of mastering the educational program
As a result of mastering the program, the following competencies should be formed at the graduate:
Universal competencies (UC):
UC-1 Ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, develop an action strategy.
UC-2 Ability to manage a project at all stages of its life cycle.
UC-3 Ability to organize and manage the work of the team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal.
UC-4 Ability to apply modern communication technologies, including in a foreign language (s), for academic and professional interaction.
UC-5 Ability to analyze and take into account the diversity of cultures in the process of intercultural interaction.
UC-6 Ability to determine and implement the priorities of their own activities and ways to improve them on the basis of self-esteem.
General professional competencies (GPC):
GPC-1. Ability to acquire, develop and apply independently mathematical, natural science, socio-economic and professional knowledge to solve non-standard problems, including in a new or unfamiliar environment and in an interdisciplinary context;
GPC-2. Ability to develop original algorithms and software, including using modern intelligent technologies, to solve professional problems;
GPC-3. Ability to analyze professional information, highlight the most important things in it, to structure it, design and present in the form of analytical reviews with reasonable conclusions and recommendations;
GPC-4. Ability to put into practice new scientific principles and research methods;
GPC-5. Ability to develop and upgrade software and hardware for information and automated systems;
GPC-6. Ability to acquire independently through information technology and use in practice new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity;
GPC-7. Ability to apply in solving professional problems the methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing and broadcasting information through modern computer technologies, including global computer networks;
GPC-8. Ability to manage software and project development effectively.
Professional competences (PC)
PC-1. Software implementation skills of distributed information systems.
PC-2. Skills in creating software for analysis, recognition and processing of information, digital signal processing systems.
PC-3. Understanding current software model verification approaches.
PC-4. Skills in software implementation of systems with parallel data processing and high-performance systems.
Structure |
Volume (ECTS) |
Unit 1 |
Modules (disciplines) |
80 |
Unit 2 |
Practice |
31 |
Unit 3 |
State final certification (master's theses) |
9 |
Total Volume |
120 |
The volume of the program implemented in one academic year – 60 ECTS
The volume of the program obligatory part – 42,5 %
Types of practices:
- educational'
- manufacturing.
Types of educational practice: technological practice.
Types of manufacturing practice: research work, teaching practice, undergraduate practice.
State final certification: preparation for the defense procedure and defense of the final qualification work (master's theses).